SSET - Electronics and Telecommunications Students Symposium


SSET - 2024

The Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,

organizes the Electronics and Telecommunications Students Symposium

"SSET 2024" XIX-th Edition, on May 24, 2024.

Students are invited and highly encouraged to participate with original work edited in a scientific article, which will be evaluated and selected for public presentation, as well as for further publication.

The papers must fulfill the following requirements:

  • The papers must have as a co-author at least one tutor from UTCN.
  • The papers must respect the IEEE format, having no more than 2 pages, written in English. The template for editing the article can be downloaded from here (2Authors, 3Authors, 4Authors). Don’t modify the formatting of the template (margins, fonts, spacing, etc.).
  • All works will be verified for anti-plagiarism with the Turnitin platform.
  • The copyright form is mandatory for the paper submission. It can be downloaded from here Link (SSET_2024_Copyright_Form.pdf)

Paper submission details:

Due to numerous requests  the deadline for the paper submission is extended to May 12, 2024 23:30. Please note that this deadline is the final date and there will be no further extensions.

The deadline for the paper submission is May 08, 2024. A Quiz form will be used for the submission, under a MsTeam class, associated with the event.

If you would like to participate with more than one paper, as the main author, access the Quiz only once. Inside the Quiz is an option that allows multiple paper uploads.

For each paper, it is necessary to upload the following 3 files:





Don’t write your name in the name of the files. Your name will be filled out automatically by the Quiz.

The feedback regarding the Acceptance of the papers will be given by a message to the author through Teams to their personal Teams ID.

Quiz: Paper Submission deadline is May 08, 2024 (Paper Registration Form here).

SSET-2024 - Microsoft Teams - Main channel (document upload here)

SSET 2024 - Symposium Program (will be available soon here)

Media content from the previous edition-SSET 2023 is here


Please join the MsTeams class SSET 2024 to follow the news of the event. Here will be announced the final agenda of the event (will be available soon).


Previous years' events:

Proceedings SSET 2023

Proceedings SSET 2022

Proceedings SSET 2021

Proceedings SSET 2019

Proceedings SSET 2018